"Human compassion and resiliency at work"
By Irene Neal
Ever since this pandemic began, I have wanted to help out my community in some way. As a nursing student, I have felt very frustrated by being unable to fully help out on the front lines since I am not yet a CNA or RN.
Given this reality, I pivoted to researching various organizations that needed volunteers, and I realized that the Red Cross would be a great place to help out. So, I went online and signed up for a new, coronavirus-necessitated position: Blood Donor Screener. Within a week of applying, I was able to sign up for and complete my first shift in Bangor, Maine.
My first shift was a very positive and inspiring experience. The Red Cross staff, volunteers and donors were all great individuals. It was so heartening to see human compassion and resiliency at work as this group strove to fulfill one of the key missions of the Red Cross – blood donation – even in the midst of these very challenging times.
In an era in which there is so much to be concerned about – a virulent, highly contagious virus, a rapidly growing mental health crisis and the global economy in freefall – it was so encouraging to see the inherent goodness of people on display as these individuals all came together to fulfill the mission of saving lives through the simple, yet vital act of blood donation.
After I got home from my first shift, I signed up for a second one, eager to keep helping out in what ways that I can during this pandemic. I am very grateful for this opportunity to help out my community by volunteering with the Red Cross, and I encourage anyone that is able to consider volunteering or donating blood. I guarantee you won’t regret it.
Volunteers can support the health care response to the COVID-19 pandemic as Red Cross Blood Donor Screeners and Blood Donor Ambassadors.These positions are key to the success of our blood drives and the experience of blood donors. We provide the training. For more information, email us at VolunteerNNE@redcross.org.
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