Budding humanitarian inspired by Red Cross work

By Brian Bouley, Community Manager, Aroostook County 

Taylor Coulombe may not be old enough to donate blood just yet, but that hasn't stopped the 15-year-old from getting involved with the American Red Cross in her Maine community.

The intrigue started after Taylor heard her mom talking about a recent American Red Cross presentation. Angela, Taylor's mother, works for the Fort Kent Town Office. Wanting to learn more about what the Red Cross offers for youth engagement, the sophomore at Fort Kent Community High School reached out to a family friend and long-time Red Cross Blood Donor Ambassador Joan Thibodeau. Joan suggested suggested Taylor attend the St. John Valley Community Blood Drive at the Fort Kent Knights of Columbus Hall last month to see firsthand what goes into the blood collection process. She also promised to put her to work helping out. 

When Taylor arrived at the drive, she was greeted by Red Cross volunteer Colette Bouchard. She said Colette took her under her wing and showed her how volunteers, known as Blood Donor Ambassadors, play an instrumental role at community blood drives. These dedicated humanitarians greet donors at the door, offer them drinks and snacks after their donations and help them make their next donation appointments. 

Every two seconds someone in this country needs blood. Volunteer donors are the only source of blood. It's safe to donate every eight weeks. So encouraging more people to become regular blood donors is critical to ensuring lifesaving blood products are available as soon as patients need them.

After working her shift, Taylor shared that her favorite part of the job was when she "got to ask the donors if they would like to dedicate their donation in memory of a love one," which is a tradition unique to the Fort Kent drive - and well received by donors. Dedications are then published in local church bulletins.


Taylor said she finds blood collection very interesting. So much so that when she graduates, she plans to pursue a degree in nursing. She says becoming a nurse has been her dream since she was about 6 years old. She has fond memories of playing “nurse,” practicing her skills on her dad and dolls. 


As we were wrapping up the drive, I overheard Taylor tell Joan that “she can’t wait be old enough so she too can donate blood” and offered to come back in February to spend the whole day volunteering.

If you are like Taylor, curious about blood drive volunteer opportunities, click this link. For more information on becoming a blood donor, visit redcrossblood.org. Resolve to help save lives this year!
