My First Blood Donation Experience

By Nikki Mayville, Red Cross Writer

For years, the Red Cross mobile unit was a familiar sight in Madrid's Chamartín neighborhood where I lived. Each time I passed, I'd curiously peer inside, imagining the life-saving work happening within. 

Donating blood seemed like a heroic act, but I always hesitated. My work had me traveling outside of the EU frequently, so I figured I’d be turned away. Plus, a pint seemed like a lot.

Fast forward to today: I'm back in New Hampshire, volunteering with the Red Cross communications team and immersing myself in articles about the importance of blood donation.

Nikki Mayville, first-time donor
On June 7th, the annual WMUR blood drive in Manchester, New Hampshire presented the perfect opportunity to see a Red Cross event from behind the scenes. As I walked into Quirk Kia that morning, I hadn't planned on donating. But when a friendly Red Crosser at the information desk asked if I was there to give blood, I surprised myself by answering, "Yes, I am."

"First time donor?" the volunteer asked with a reassuring smile. When I nodded, she said, "Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." 

The registration process was quick and straightforward. I answered a series of health-related questions on a tablet, ensuring my eligibility to donate.

Next came the mini-physical. A nurse checked my vitals and pricked my finger to test my iron levels. "You're good to go," he said, giving me a thumbs up.

As I settled into the donation chair, I felt a slight pinch when the needle went in, but it was over in seconds. The actual donation process was surprisingly comfortable. I chatted with the staff and other donors, making the time fly by.

Before I knew it, my bag was full. "You've just helped save some lives," the phlebotomist told me as she applied a small bandage.

After my donation, I was directed to a refreshment area where I had a chance to chat with fellow donors. “I come every year,” said the gentleman next to me. “For me it’s just a small part of my day, but the difference it can make in somebody’s life is incredible.”

I felt energized by my experience as I left the WMUR blood drive that day. The staff's kindness, the ease of the process and the knowledge that I might make a real difference in someone's life made me eager to donate again.

To anyone considering donating blood, I'd say: Don't hesitate! It's a simple act that can have an enormous impact. The Red Cross team makes the experience comfortable and rewarding. Plus, there's free cookies – what's not to love?

Remember, blood donations are always needed. Whether it's at a special event like the WMUR drive or at your local donation center, every contribution counts. So, roll up your sleeve and join the lifesaving mission. Trust me, you'll be glad you did.

The Red Cross is working with hospitals around-the-clock to meet the blood needs of patients – but can’t do it alone. To make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

As a thank-you, those who come give blood, platelets or plasma Aug. 1-31, 2024, will get a $20 Gift Card by email. For details, visit


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